Lunch Menu

Breakfast & Lunch Menus

Elementary Breakfast Menu - August.pdf
Elementary Lunch Menu - August.pdf

Elementary Breakfast Menu - September
Elementary Lunch Menu - September

Elementary Breakfast Menu - October
Elementary Lunch Menu - October

Elementary Breakfast Menu - November
Elementary Lunch Menu - November

Elementary Breakfast Menu - December
Elementary Lunch Menu - December

Elementary Breakfast Menu - January
Elementary Lunch Menu - January

Elementary Breakfast Menu - February
Elementary Lunch Menu - February

Free and Reduced Meals

The online application must be submitted through School Cafe
Go to

Sign In (if you already have a School Cafe account) OR Create an account (PA and Search for 'Carlisle Area School District')

Choose the option to "Apply for Benefits".  During this process you will 'Add a Student' (Student ID is not required).

 Free and Reduced Meal Application - Free and Reduced Meals - Carlisle Area School District (

For any questions related to Free and Reduced Meals, please contact Laura Evans
 at 717-240-6800, Ext. 16816 or e-mail [email protected]

School Cafe


The Carlisle Area School District Child Nutrition Department is proud to provide parents with the ability to view your child’s cafeteria activity through a website called SchoolCafe.  Parents have the ability to view their child’s purchases on a history report that will display all dates, times and items that your child has purchased at breakfast, lunch, and/or a la carte within the last thirty days.

As an additional convenience, SchoolCafe also provides parents with a secure online prepayment service to deposit money into your child’s school meal account.  By having money in each child’s account prior to entering the cafeteria, we find the lunch lines move along much faster so your child has more time to eat and be with friends.

Click here to access SchoolCafe to create a username and password and your student(s). 

Things to know:

  • •   If you have more than one child in the District you can handle all online prepayments from the same online account.  You can make deposits to multiple students in your account with one transaction.
  • •   You can setup automatic low balance e-mail notifications for the students enrolled in the program 
  • •   Payments may be made through most major credit and debit cards.
  • • Set up Auto Pay

We are very excited to offer you this service. However, if you choose not to take advantage of the online prepayment service you may continue to make advance meal payments via check, which should be made payable to “CASD Food Service”.  Please write your child’s full name and ID number on the check. 

If you have any questions about these new services, please call Laura Evans at 717-240-6800 x16816. 

Registering for SchoolCafe:

Go to

Choose option 'Need to create an account'
Select State: PA
Enter the name of your School District: Search for 'Carlisle Area School District'
Choose 'Go to My District'
Choose 'Create a new account'

Choose the option to 'Apply for Benefits' to apply for Free & Reduced Meals
OR choose the option to 'Make a Payment'. 
OR choose the option to 'Add a Student'. During this process you will 'Add a Student'. 

Please click here to go to the District's Child Nutrition Service's Page.